Inhoudsopgave boeken – Chi Connect – Meditation in Motion

Inhoudsopgave boeken

Ooi Kean Hin – Zhineng Qigong – The science, theory and practise
‘Zhineng Qigong, the science, theory and practice’ is het tweede boek van Ooi Kean Hin, een gerenommeerde Zhineng Qigong leraar uit Maleisië. In 14 hoofdstukken schrijft hij op diepgaande wijze over de achtergrond, theorie en oefeningen van Zhineng Qigong. Het boek omvat de complete wetenschap van Zhineng Qigong, inclusief alle theorieën en oefeningen van level 1 tot en met level 3, inclusief illustraties. Het is een praktisch  ingesteld boek, dat diep en volledig ingaat op de oefeningen, achtergrond en  theorie ervan. Het boek kan met zijn 575 pagina’s beschouwd worden als de ultieme Zhineng Qigong encyclopedie, een uitstekend naslagwerk en een aanrader voor iedereen die zich verder wil verdiepen in Zhineng Qigong. 

Maar het boek is ook erg leerzaam voor mensen die Taiji of andere Qigong vormen beoefenen, omdat het in detail en diepte ingaat op de theorie van Qi en met name op die van de Hunyuan of Yuan Qi, de meest originele en puurste Qi van het universum en hoe je ermee kan werken. Maar ook de werking en het gebruik van de geest en levenscultivatie, dat verder gaat dan alleen Qigong beoefenen.

Het boek kan aaneensluitend gelezen worden, maar kan ook prima als naslagwerk gebruikt worden en in willekeurige volgorde bepaalde delen van het boek te lezen die op dat moment voor de lezer relevant zijn voor het Qigong stadium waarin deze zich bevindt. Omdat de inhoudsopgave alleen de hoofdstukken bevat en niet alle onderwerpen per hoofdstuk, wordt er bij dit boek een nauwkeuriger gespecificeerde inhoudsopgave in Pdf-bestand meegeleverd om gericht de informatie op te zoeken 

Dr. Pang Ming – Hunyuan Entirety Theory – The foundation of Qigong Science
Hun yuan Entirety Theory is the main theory book of Zhineng Qigong and above all a scientific book. It is the foundation of all the Zhineng Qigong methods and the other theories. It deals in-depth with the Scientific Theory behind Zhinenq Qigong. This dense work is ideal for the experienced practitioner who wishes to find the answers behind one of the World’s most successful Qigong systems. 

The book described the laws of universe and human life. Especially, it explained the details of consciousness. Repeatedly it views life from two perspectives: that which is commonly perceived or understood and that which is uncommonly known. The book itself is written from the latter perspective, or what we might call the entirety state of Doctor Pang. This makes it a book of science that naturally reaches beyond the scope of modem science. With a central principle that cannot easily be defined or even commonly perceived. 

Hunyuan Entirety Theory states that everything in the universe is a manifestation of hunyuan qi, that the transformations of qi are the natural laws governing each and every life, and that these laws can be known. It encompasses the principles of Qigong science, of all kinds Qigong and Taiji and life science. It is the foundation of a human new culture and will bring human evolve to higher level..

Chapter 1–Introduction
Chapter 2– Hunyuan theory
Chapter 3 – Entirety Theory
Chapter 4 – Human Hunyuan Qi                                
Chapter 5 – Consciousness Theory                                             
Chapter 6 – Daode theory                             
Chapter 7 – Life Optimising Theory and Hunyuan Medical Theory

Cyndi Dale – Het subtiele lichaam – een encyclopedie van de energetische anatomie
We staan er niet altijd bij stil, maar genezing is van nature energetisch van aard. Omdat elk gezondheidsprobleem zowel een fysieke als een energetische component heeft, heeft zelfs de verzorging van een klein wondje al impact op het spirituele, mentale en emotionele welzijn van het lichaam. 

Het subtiele lichaam is een uitgebreid encyclopedisch naslagwerk, gericht op de wereld van onze onzichtbare anatomie, waar genezing eigenlijk plaatsvindt. Cyndi Dale behandelt uitgebreid de vraag waaruit het subtiele lichaam bestaat. Ze verwerkt nieuwe wetenschappelijke inzichten in ons kwantumbestaan en de onzichtbare velden die onze fysieke conditie bepalen. Volgens de auteur is alle geneeskunde in wezen energie-geneeskunde, omdat alles uit energie bestaat. Ze analyseert de meridianen, velden en chakra’s, geeft uitgebreide informatie over de rol van deze energetische structuren bij onze gezondheid en behandelt de energetische component van helende systemen als Ayurveda, Qigong en Reiki. 

Het boek zit vol mooie fullcolour illustraties, schema’s, diagrammen en verklarende tekstkaders en is in woord en beeld een rijke bron van informatie voor iedereen die inzicht wil krijgen in de fysieke, energetische en spirituele elementen van ons (subtiele) lichaam. Het is een prachtig naslagwerk dat thuis hoort in de bibliotheek van iedereen die geïnteresseerd of werkzaam is in de alternatieve geneeskunde of/en zich bewust is van en werkt met energie.

Yuan Tze – Wellbeing Begins With You: Use Your Inner Resources to Heal Your Body and Your Life 
This book presents the essential teaching of Ren xue, wich enable you to gain the true understanding of life and provides practical methods for working on your own wellbeing. 

For those who want to know more about living a healthy life, basic principles of healing through Qi-therapy and change in our lifestyles for the better, this is a good start. For those who want to know more about life development, consciousness, life patterns and the true self, this is a good start. 

This book presents the teachings of Yuan Tze on healing. It has been written in an informal style so that anyone who sincerely wants to bring change to his or her life can benefit regardless of their familiarity with Ren Xue. At the same time, the teachings are very comprehensive and have great depth. This is one reason they are so effective.

This book differs from many other books because it doesn’t just give advice on what to do, but provides principles to follow that are based on solid information and sound reasoning. Most importantly, it also gives us the tools to make the change happen. For example, the advice to think positively is all very well, but what exactly does that mean and how do you do that while your life is plagued with problems that may bring exhaustion, fear, pain, anger or sadness?

Candid stories from many people who have used the information in the book bring the teachings to life. They demonstrate how the narrators have been able to change their lives in way that far exceeded their hopes. Many of these changes would ordinarily be labelled as miracles. They include changes on the physical, emotional or even mental level. This book is a manual for making life better, no matter where you are in life. This is Yuan Tze’s gift to you. Your role will be to apply the teachings to bring about the changes you want in your life.

Yuan Tze – Voyage to the Shore  (complete inhoud-opgave op aanvraag in pdf beschikbaar)
Yuan Tze has written three books that form the basis for the teaching of Ren Xue and Zhineng Qigong school’s methods and principles.
This trilogy provides an ocean of information essential for well-being, addressing questions at the heart not only of the human condition, but also of our very existence in the universe, including:

• What is the fundamental law of the universe? 
• What is the fundamental law of life as a holistic existence? 
• How do we lose health? 
• What is the fundamental nature of health? 
• What is the most effective approach to regaining and maintaining health? 
• What is the fundamental approach to solving our problems? 
• How can we identify and eliminate those problems of which we are not yet even aware?

The Voyage to the Shore series aims to help every one of us understand, change, and elevate life. It also teaches us how to provide effective help to other people. Let this series be your life-long companion on the path to a rich and joyful life.For those who practice Qigong “Voyage to the Shore” is a goldmine. It leads to greater understanding of what Qigong is all about and thus to more efficient and more in-depth training. 

In everyday life, in meetings with other people, we end up in situations that often are difficult to master. Most often we see the world very limited – based on our own terms. It often leads to “we are doing the wrong thing at the wrong time”, which creates stress, frustration, anger, sadness, both in ourselves and others. Put another way – we lack understanding of how life works. Voyage to the Shore provides readers with opportunities to immerse themselves in and get an understanding of the laws of life and how we can change and improve our lives and thus maintain and improve our health.

Part 1 
Part 1(and 2) are primarily based on the theoretical part of training for Qigong teachers or therapists which Yuan Tze continuously conducts.
They are the translation of Ren Xue theory plus some foundational practices from the eight-level Qigong Teachers’ and Therapists’ Training Program.

The book has been used in the first four levels of the training prgram for Qigong teachers. 

  • Level 1 contains a discription of Ren xue and its principles. The reader gets an insight of the principles and theories of Qi, Qifield, Qigong and Zhineng qigong and the benefits of practising Qigong. Consciousness role in life and the role consciousness plays in Qigong training clarified.
  • Level 2 goed deep into the consciousness’s role in our lives. This section describes how consciousness power work and ho wit will affect our lives positively and negatively. The book discribes how our frame of reference is created, how we use it  and techniques how to change our refenrencesystem and so our lives for the better. 
  • Level 3 discribes the difference between ‘use of the consciousness’ and to ‘cultivate the consciousness’ and goes deep into the process of cultivating the consciousness so that we may better understand life andf the lwas of life and so able us to apply them.
  • Level 4 provides the basis for understanding of Hunyuan Qi theory, how sounds, emotions and different handshapes can affect our Yin organs. It concludes with a detailed discription to create understandig of Dao and Daode.

The appendix also describes a number of basic qigong excersises.
If you are keen to learn more about Qigong theories, Part One is a good one to start with. 

Part 2 
Part 2 (and 1) are primarily based on the theoretical part of training for Qigong teachers or therapists which Yuan Tze continuously conducts.
They are the translation of Ren Xue theory plus some foundational practices from the eight-level Qigong Teachers’ and Therapists’ Training Program. 
This book has been used in the level 5-8 teachers training. 

  • Level 5 contains a discription of traditional Qigong techniques. First there is deepening of the Dao, consciousness and Hunyuan qi. Then there is a discription of a variarity of techniques that can be used in everyday life and Tiao xi (breathing) techniques.
  • Level 6 provides the basics for external Qi therapy and different types of therapy and the benefits of it, a discription of both traditional Qigong methods and Zhineng Qigong methods.
  • Level 7 discribes the principles of special abilities and various techniques how to develop and use them.
  • Level 8 here teaches the basics of traditional Feng shui and Feng shui based on Qi. In also concludes a discription of different stages of life from birth to death and the life-anhancing action possible at every stage of life

Part 3

This part contains an compilation of questions and answers  from the Yuan Tzes lectures at five different retreats between 2007 to 2011.
It is easy to read and provides a good overview of Yuan tze’s teaching.
​If you are a beginner in Ren Xue, we recommend that you start with part three to gain a basic understanding of Ren Xue.