inhoudsopgave Zhineng Qigong CD’s Yuan Tze – Chi Connect – Meditation in Motion

Inhoudsopgave Zhineng Qigong audio serie 1-12 master Yuan Tze

No.1  Basic Exercises + Lift Qi Up Pour Qi Down. Total 57.32m
1.Preparation 03.35
2. Squats 06.08
3. Stretching Qi 05.47
4. Bow Body 06.44
5. Rotate Hips 03.57
6. Curl Weilu 02.53
7. Building Qifield 02.34
8. Lift Qi Up Pour Qi Down 24.39
9. Head & Face 01.15

No.2  Basic Exercises Total 64.41m
1.Introduction 00.24
2. Squats Part I 13.29
3. Squats Part II 09.15
4. Squats Closure 02.59
5. Stretching Qi 13.21
6. Bow Body 11.57
7. Rotate Hips 06.18
8. Curl Weilu 01.48
9. Closure 02.49
10. Head & Face 02.21

No.3  Basic Exercises – long version. Total 75.42m
1. Introduction 00.25
2. Preparation 03.48
3. Squats Part I 11.48
4. Squats Part II 11.48
5. Squats Closure 02.57
6. Stretching Qi 23.31
7. Bow Body 11.57
8. Rotate Hips 06.18
9. Curl Weilu 01.48
10. Closure 02.49
11. Head & Face 02.21

No.4  Squats + Stretching Qi + Lift Qi Up Pour Qi Down. Total 61.02m
1. Introduction 00.33
2. Building the Qifield 03.35
3. Squats 09.52
4. Stretching Qi 13.22
5. Mind activity 02.34
6. Lift Qi Up Pour Qi Down 29.51
7. Head & Face 01.15

No.5  Squats + Stretching Qi + Three Centres Merge Standing Form. Total 64.14m
1. Introduction 0.33
2. Building the Qifield 03.35
3. Squats 09.56
4. Stretching Qi 13.19
5. Three Centres Merge 40.35
6. Head & Face 01.16

No.6  Lift Qi Up Pour Qi Down + Three Centres Merge Standing Form. Total 71.29m
1. Introduction 00.29
2. Building Qifield 03.39
3. Combined Lift Qi Up & 3CM 66.05
4. Head & Face 01.16

No.7  Three Centres Merge Standing Form – One Hour. Total 76.17m
1. Introduction 00.35
2. Building the Qifield 03.37
3. Opening Form 03.11
4. Three Centres Merge 67.39
5. Head & Face 01.15

No.8  Body Mind Form. Total 75.28m
1. Introduction 00.40
2. Preparation 05.23
3. Crane/Dragon Head 07.30
4. Contract Shoulders/neck 03.37
5. Erect Palms 06.59
6. Qi Surging 03.38
7. Bow Body 08.08
8. Rotate Hips 04.26
9. Feet in a Line 06.45
10. Knees to Feet 03.36
11. Push Out Legs 05.49
12. Return Qi to One 06.13
13. Closure 10.23
15. Head & Face 02.21

No.9  Body Mind Form + Leading Along Jingmai. Total 81.15m
1. Introduction 00.40
2. Preparation 05.23
3. Crane/Dragon Head 07.30
4. Contract Shoulders/neck 03.37
5. Erect Palms 05.50
6. Qi Surging 03.38
7. Bow Body 08.08
8. Rotate Hips 04.26
9. Feet in a Line 06.45
10. Knees to Feet 03.36
11. Push Out Legs 03.53
12. Return Qi to One 06.13
13. Leading Along Jingmai 08.24
14. Closure 09.46
15. Head & Face 02.21

No.10  Five Qi Hunyuan Form. Total  52:25m
1. Introduction 00:48
2. Building the Qifield 01:47
3. Connect with Heaven & Earth 03:29
4. Unblock pores and points 08:44
5. Gaze around like a crane 02:19
6.  Spread the wings 02:23
7. Smile joyfully to fortify heart 02:43
8. Arch back to strengthen kidney 03:57
9. Rotate Qi into Central Palace 05:05
10. Open arms to guard Riyue 03:20
11. Open & close to expand lung Qi 03:14
12. Walk in a crane gait 01:42
13. Shake hips with a calm mind 01:46
14. Move freely up and down 02:17
15. Heaven & Earth return to Hunyuan 06:29
16. Head & Face 02:22

No.12  Open-Close Pulling Qi + Building Qifield for Qi Therapy. Total 71.44m
1. Open-Close Pulling Qi 49.37
2. Building Qifield for Qi Therapy 22.07